Topanga State Park: Los Angeles, California: Panoramic Views

(below) 2005-04-24: Panoramic view from Parker Mesa Overlook on a much-clearer day than below. Unfortunately, it's still not clear enough to see
more-distant landmarks including Santiago Peak and Cleveland National Forest as well as Catalina Island.
(Tools used to assemble and tweak this panorama: PTA 3.0 with Autopano and Enblend plug-ins; Adobe Photoshop 2.0, Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8 and Irfan).
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2005-04-24: Panoramic view from Parker Mesa Overlook on a much-clearer day

Some video I shot from the same location:

Each of the panoramas below are composed of five (5) separate 4-megapixel images, taken with a Canon A85. They were stitched together with Helmut Dersch's Panorama Tools and its companion PTAssembler, created by Max Lyons. Max Lyons is one of is the champions of stitched digital imaging, having recently created one of the largest (over 1 gigapixels!) stitched images ever.

Other tools and resources used: Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0, Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8, The GIMP (and GIMP Pocket Reference (O'Reilly Pocket Reference Series)) and Photoshop Elements Solutions by Mikkel Aaland.

view from Parker Mesa Overlook, Topanga Park, CA
(above) Parker Mesa Overlook panorama. Unfortunately, the atmosphere wasn't very cooperative this day (20040829); one cannot see much farther than 50 miles distant. On clearer days, one can see the Cleveland National Forest, Palos Verdes peninsula, and several islands such as Santa Catalina. See this page for a better, non-panoramic look. The vantage point in this image may be seen from ground in this panorama, rougly 20 miles away in Culver Ciry. The individual images that this composite is comprised of were not taken with panoramic imaging in mind (but I am improving my technique!) . High-resolution versions of this image -- with or without text labels -- are available free for government and educational institutions. Others may purchase print or file version.
view from Eagle Rock trail, Topanga park, CA
(above) Eagle Rock trail panorama. I'm still working on the distortions caused by exposure and angular differences currently visible in the compositing "frames". The individual images that comprise this composite were not taken with the intention of panoramic imaging per se. Next time, it'll be better!.
