Maintenance-service contractors typically provide the following:
Maintenance Management:
Scheduled Maintenance
Unscheduled Maintenance
Modifications and upgrades
Wheel Replacement
Locomotive and component overhauls
Wheel Truing
Daily Inspections
Repairs due to vandalism and wrecks
Technical Support:
Develop flexible maintenance to meet operation
Drive engineering support
Pre maintenance inspection
Post maintenance inspection
Historical tracking of locomotive performance
Materials Support Management:
Material procurement
Material warehousing and distribution
Rebuild core supply, management and returns
Non-locomotive materials management
Shop layout and tooling
Facility maintenance
*Existing facilities will require environmental evaluation
Labor Management:
Daily shop supervision
Comply with existing agreements
Completely assume responsibility for workforce
Workforce Training and Certification

Services (what to look for):
- Duty
- Hours
of operation - 5 day operation or 7 day 24 hour operation?
- Miles
or kilometers per month
- Unique
operating conditions
- Typical
reliability measurements used
- Typical
availability measurement used
- Total
number and location of shops to be used for maintenance
- Equipment
at each shop (cranes, drop tables, special tooling, inspection pits)
- Load
test facilities
- Review
of labor
- Warehouse
on EMD Diesel's criteria]