Photo and Video from Toledo Botanical Gardens in Toledo, Ohio
Early Fall scene from Mid-October 2005:
...and a time-lapse of from the above locataion...
(below) 2005-10-13: Pink Rose, from the Rose Garden at the Toledo Botanical Gardens.
Quick tips to achieve results like this:
- Get as close as your lens will allow (i.e., stay in focus).
For real closeups, use a macro lens.
- Overcast and calm (non-windy) days work best.
- Master your camera in manual mode.
(below) 2005-10-13: Red Chokeberries, Aronia arbutifolia, on a Chokberry tree

(below) 2005-10-13: Pink Dahlia flowers. For more on Dahlias, visit DahliaWorld or

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Below are video captures from Toledo Botanical Gardens:
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Technical: All images taken with Canon Digital Rebel XT
digital camera. Focus: manual. All other parameters: manual. A tripod was
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