Riding in Traffic

Riding in Traffic

Sharing the road with cars, SUVs and trucks is an unnerving but inescapable fact of the cycling life. Legally, bicycles have all of the same rights and responsibilities that automobiles do, yet cyclists are the second-class citizens of the road.

Cyclists are not only expected to follow all of the same traffic laws as motorists, but must approach riding in traffic with extreme caution. Keep in mind that some drivers, unfortunately, don't want to share the road.

Quick Read
  1. Always wear a helmet.
  2. Communicate clearly with motorists; make eye contact, if possible.
  3. Ride with confidence, yet defensively.

Basic Rules of the Road

General Safety
  • Wear your bike helmet on every ride.
  • Always obey the rules of the road. Stop at stop signs and lights.
  • Wear bright, highly visible clothing whenever you ride, preferably with reflective tape or patches.
  • Ride in control at all times. Proceed at a safe speed.
  • Never ride in the dark without front and rear bike lights and reflectors.

Riding Technique
  • Ride in the same direction as traffic.
  • Maintain a safe distance between yourself and other riders or vehicles.
  • Don't hug the curb too closely. Maintain a safe distance from the pavement edge.
  • Ride in single file for safety's sake. This is required by law in most states. (NOTE: Some states allow cyclists to travel two abreast. Do this only when roads are clear and free of traffic and the need is urgent. Riding three abreast is usually illegal.)
  • Don't ride on sidewalks (unless no other safe option exists). Even where the law allows it, it's seldom safe.
  • In heavy, slow-moving traffic, it may be safer to ride in the middle of a traffic lane so that everyone can see you and cars won't try to squeeze around you.
  • On busy streets, don't swerve back and forth around parked cars or other obstacles. Maintain a straight course and watch out for opening car doors!

  • Stay aware of your surroundings at all times.
  • Communicate your intentions to drivers and other cyclists as much as possible. Use hand signals whenever you turn or stop, but assume that those signals might not be understood by every driver. Make eye contact with drivers. This usually helps keep both riders and drivers safe.
  • Watch out for things that can add to (or cause) problems between cyclists and automobiles, like bright sunlight, fatigue, darkness and sharp bends in the road.
  • Avoid things that can cause accidents between bicycles, like following too closely, poor communication, lapses in concentration and so on.
  • Be especially cautious at intersections. Many cycling accidents occur here.
  • Ride with confidence when you're in traffic. Timid, wobbly riders make drivers nervous. Cyclists or groups of cyclists who look like they know what they're doing are more likely to get extra room and respect.

Highway Riding

Cycling on high-speed roads requires extra caution. Do it only when absolutely necessary. Stay as far right as you can, using the paved shoulder whenever possible. Check behind yourself frequently and listen for approaching cars.

Get ready for passing vehicles (especially large semi-trucks or other wide vehicles) by holding your handlebars firmly, lowering your body to lessen wind resistance and moving out of the way as much as possible. Keep in mind that the wind from passing vehicles tends to "pull" cyclists forward and to the left.

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