Critical Thinking (Moore)

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Critical Thinking (Moore)

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Skepticism, Fallacies and Critical Thinking


by: B. N. Moore

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What is critical thinking? Perhaps nobody said it better than Francis Bacon, way back in 1605: "critical thinking is the skillful application of a repertoire of validated general techniques for deciding the level of confidence you should have in a proposition in the light of the available evidence."


Topics include: less cautious conclusion, proof surrogate, top ten fallacies, more cautious conclusion, suspected causal agent, compound claim, predictable ratio, past rides, offense principle, duty theory, legal paternalism, post hoc reasoning, target class, legal moralism, conditional claim, analogical argument, moral value judgment, special admissions programs, information warrant, alternative assignment, categorical claim, error margin, divine command theory, third felony, categorical syllogisms


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